My Experience in a Startup

In the last few months before my graduation, I had several interviews and I have received many offerts. I also applied to a Ph.D. position in Politecnico di Milano.

I was admitted to the position but, after a deep thought, I decided to refuse and to search for opportunities outside of the University. The decision was made because I thought that I had no more energy to devote to research, and also because I wanted to get out of the comfort zone of the university. My final choice was Mindearth, a Swiss company which operates with AI in several B2B and no-profit areas, combining Street-level imagery, Remote Sensing Images and mobility data.

This was an amazing choice, in a small group such as in a startup I had the chance to “feel” the entire business structure of the company and all the pressure related to this.

From a professional point-of-view, the reality of a startup forces you to solve problems out of your knowledge and that teaches very important soft skills. After a STEM degree, big companies can seem more comfortable, but if your goal is to increase your skill and if you are ready to feel the pressure, a startup is definitely a winning choice!

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